Thursday 8 December 2016

Its Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas!

The trees are up, the tinsel is out and the lights are twinkling everywhere. How is it December already? 

So its that time of year again where everything is festive and Christmassy! December being one of my favourite months has just flown by already, with it being only 2 more weeks until the big day. I have recently updated the content on my YouTube channel (here) and you may find that in one of those videos I spoke about telling more people about my channel. I also spoke about doing Vlogmas this year (videoing your daily life everyday until Christmas eve) which in the end I chose not to do. 

The reason being, I am currently still working full time and did not want to dedicate time I didn't actually have into filming and editing videos everyday. As much as I love Christmas I wouldn't want to post content I myself am not happy with, let alone my subscribers. So I have chosen to take a step back this year and just enjoy everyone else's videos.

On the 1st December I pulled out my camera and actually filmed day one of Vlogmas only to then make the decision I wouldn't be carrying on. So I thought I would make this post to share some of my festive snaps whilst putting up my Christmas tree. This years colour scheme for my Christmas tree was Gold, Copper and Black. I thought it was going to be abit risky using darker colours on a white Christmas tree this year but overall I was very happy with the outcome and I love my little tree! I also thought it was only right that I went all out and put some matching tinsel on to top it all off!

What are your favourite colour schemes for Christmas trees?
 Do let me know in the comments!

Lots of love,

Social Media.
Twitter: @MischaB_

YouTube: Mischa B


  1. I had never considered different colour schemes for Christmas decor before and had always gone with green trimmed with red, gold and silver - your Christmas decorations look beautiful!
    I just stopped by your YouTube channel - love your Classic Valentines Date Night Makeup | Mischa B - YouTube video. You look gorgeous!

    1. Hey!
      Thank you for leaving a comment and stopping by on my youtube channel
