Sunday 26 April 2015

Review:The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil

The Body Shop Silky Cleansing Oil - RRP £10.00

Hello again lovelies,
So this weekend I was in town and on the prowl for a new cleanser which also removes my make up. I have been using the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water which is also great but it just wasn't doing it for me any more. Since using it I began to notice it did not remove stubborn make up, I started noticing this when it wouldn't remove my mascara. My eyelashes would be very sticky and stuck together after using it to get my mascara off not to mention using about 5000000 cotton pads! Ok that was an exaggeration.. but generally using more than a couple of them. 

So I had seen a few people using this cleansing oil, and I was a tad bit frightened to use a cleansing oil at first as my skin is naturally oily. I used this cleanser for the first time this weekend and would definitely recommend this range from the body shop its worth every penny.

What are your favourite cleansing products?



  1. Hey! I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. You can find out more about it on my blog :)

    Love Katie -

  2. Really amped to try this cleasing oil out. great blog xxx

    1. You should definitely try it out! Its the best thing to remove all your make up even the stubborn mascara I would 100% recommend it you wont regret it :) and thank you xxx

  3. I've heard so many good things about this cleansing oil but I'm just not a fan of oily formulas, much prefer cream. I wonder if they do a cream version of it as everyone seems to rave about it! xxx

    1. I wasn't too sure about it being an oil at first. But when you actually wipe it off your face along with your make up your not left with any sort of oil based texture on your face just smoothness! If that helps, they do a camomile cream based eye make up remover I know of xxx
